Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Meditation & Forgiveness Practice Discussion

The Sanctuary's Virtual Meditation Miracles Sangha will be meeting again via Zoom this Sunday, May 3rd from 2-4 PM. We will practice mindfulness meditation for 20 minutes and then continue with our close reading of Chapter 16 of A Course in Miracles [].

Zoom Meeting link:

Meeting ID: 340 754 0334
Password: namaste
One tap mobile: 646 558 8656

Summary of our discussion so far in Chapter 16:
False (ego-based) empathy Versus True Empathy

To empathize does not mean to join in suffering. Nor is true empathy selective in any way. Both of these ideas pertain to ego-based empathy, which is actually destructive, ego-strengthening, a form of unconscious attack rooted in guilt and scarcity mentality; what Hoffmeister calls ego-induced politeness rooted in guilt and distinguishes from True Empathy, or Spirit-guided courtesy rooted in joyful communion.

Because our ego has convinced us that (Unconditional) Love is dangerous and irrational, we are totally confused about what true empathy (and so morality itself) really are. Our efforts to really connect and help others are often an ego-trip, an ego-strengthening gesture which maintains separation and the insecurity and judgment which keeps it in place.

We confuse people-pleasing (the codependent inauthentic need to have people approve of and like us) with real morality - deep sense of being with another soul - the “miracle” which reveals our power and Oneness with each other, connects us to Purpose, and removes all basis for Fear and Self-Judgment.

Because we “do not know what empathizing means,” we have no idea how to be a moral person, and so are not even really responsible for our relationships. Hence, "you do not want anything you value to come of a relationship. You choose neither to hurt it nor to heal it in your own way. You do not know what healing is."

This is because, to act without knowing what you are doing is not being responsible at all. This is why the study of true empathy returns us to the insight that we must let go of the need judge - to organize our life (our week, our relationships, our responsibilities, etc.) through understanding and through judgments of relative importance. Instead, practicing devotional agnosticism, we devote ourselves to daily prayer, or: asking for, listening to, and acting on, Guidance which we receive intuitively from Higher Self.

“You do not know what empathizing means. Yet of this you may be sure; if you will merely sit quietly by and let the Holy Spirit relate through you, you will empathize with strength, and will gain in strength and not in weakness.”

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 Presentation on the Extended Mind