Thursday, March 19, 2020

Our First Virtual Meeting on Monday, March 23rd

Dear Philosophers,

In our first virtual class together on Monday, we will meditate and then debrief about this new reality we are facing. I'll post some articles on this blog and also on Blackboard for you to check out.

To Join our Zoom Virtual class on Monday, March 23rd at 11 AM for section one or 1:30 PM for section two, you can use either a computer (easier if you have access) or by smart phone. See instructions below.

By computer
And type in our Meeting ID: 829 907 796

By phone
Call 16465588656 
And type in our Meeting ID: 829 907 796

When you have a chance, let me know that you are okay and have understood our new game, and that you have successfully logged into Blackboard.

Be Well :)

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 Presentation on the Extended Mind