Wednesday, April 8, 2020

8/13 Philosophy of Extraterrestrial Contact

Introduction to Exo-Philosophy

Texts for this class

1. This documentary "Out of the Blue"

2. Stanton Friedman, "The Case for the Extraterrestrial Origin of Flying Saucers"

Other recommended sources

3. Bob Lazar on Joe Rogan
4. And if you have Netflix you can watch this great documentary on Bob Lazar called "Bob Lazar and Flying Saucers"
5. Historic first serious coverage of ufology by NYTimes in Dec. 2017 
6. A decent short documentary on the Nimitz "tic tac" encounters from 2004.
7. Five Large Scale Scientific Studies Prove that ETs are Real and Here. 
8. The Disclosure Project
9. Another great documentary on Netflix called "Patient 17"
10. Blog for PH199 Exophilosophy
11. Dr. Vood's Alien TV, my YouTube channel

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