Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Finals for Introduction to Philosophy

Dear Philosophers,

Our last official class was this past Monday. We will be meeting during the scheduled exam period for each section next week.

For section one (11-12:15), we will be meeting on Monday, May 11th from 11-12:30. 

For section two (1:30-2:45), we will be meeting on Wednesday, May 13th from 1:30-3.

We will use the opportunity of our last meeting to take stock of the semester, share insights and final project ideas. Please bring something to share.

Your final project (see post below for details) is due Wednesday May 13th by 12 midnight. I can give you extra time if you need it, but you have to let me know in advance.

Good luck, you guys are great!


Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 340 754 0334
Password: namaste
One tap mobile: 1 646 558 8656  

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